Our Services
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus eu felis ac urna placerat commodo et pellentesque lorem. Duis ac cursus dui. Fusce non tristique magna. Fusce in ex et neque consequat commodo. Praesent nec pellentesque diam. In vel diam sed ipsum dignissim interdum sit amet sit amet quam. Phasellus vestibulum pellentesque arcu in consequat.
Our Services
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus eu felis ac urna placerat commodo et pellentesque lorem. Duis ac cursus dui. Fusce non tristique magna. Fusce in ex et neque consequat commodo. Praesent nec pellentesque diam. In vel diam sed ipsum dignissim interdum sit amet sit amet quam. Phasellus vestibulum pellentesque arcu in consequat.

Dry Cleaning
Dry Clean
Specialist Clean
Same Day Cleaning
Spot Clean
Looking a bit worse for wear?
Can’t leave it with just anyone?
Need that for tonight?
Need to get rid of that stain?
How can I get that lovely finish?

Dry Cleaning
Cleaned & Hung
Cleaned & Boxed
Cleaning voucher
Looking a bit worse for wear?
Can’t leave it with just anyone?
Need that for tonight?
Need to get rid of that stain?
How can I get that lovely finish?

Wash Only
Air Dry (Natural dry)
Wash Dry & Fold
Dry & Fold
Wash Dry & Iron
Broken Machine?
Lashing Rain?
Just hate doing laundry?
Not enough space?
Nothing like fresh bed sheets?

Just hate doing the laundry?
Broken Machine?
Lashing Rain?
Not enough space?
Nothing like fresh bed sheets?

Plenty of hanging space?
Need to use the shelves?
Just inform your counter assistant which way you would like your garments or items packed and leave the rest to our experienced employees who have the machines that make it look easy …

& Repairs
Take up / Let down
Stitch it / Repair it
New zips or buttons?
Patch it / Darn it
Shoe Repairs – Soles / Heels
Too long / short?
Small rip or tear?
Won’t close?
Well worth keeping!
Soles / Heels / Zips

& Repairs
Too long / short?
Small rip or tear?
Won’t close?
Well worth keeping!
Soles / Heels … Feet getting wet?
Zips … Won’t close properly?
We do not repair the shoes on site as we use the services or our friends in business – ‘Ramzi’s of Clane.
So when using our services just leave your shoes with us and we’ll get whats needed done for you …